Thursday, April 5, 2012

Last full day here...

Have had two full days of traveling. First to Powerscourt gardens (fun but to be honest we think biltmore is just as good)  BUt with was worth it for our tour guild who sang and told dirty limericks.  He had a beautiful voice and gave us an interesting take on ireland.

Yesterday it was off to the Giants Causeway.  Didn't think about it being in Northern Ireland and that its Bristish...the one day I could have used all the pounds Marty gave me and I forgot them at the hotel room...DOH

For anyone coming over I highly recommend taking the time to see the Giants Causeway. What a magnificient creation of nature and its a lot of fun too.  Well worth the four or so hours it took to get there. Tour guildes here are truly the best they are funny, entertaining and know there stuff.

totally wind blown at Giants Causeway

Today we are out to enjoy the last of Dublin on our list then we head home tomorrow, Might see Mom and Dad in heathrow airport tomorrow too. :)


  1. Enjoy your last day! Perhap a pub crawl is in order? Safe journey home, and remember Leprechauns are NOT duty free!

  2. Have fun! Don't do anything I wouldn't do :)

  3. If you two smile any bigger you're gonna well I don't know what, but I'm so glad you're having such a wonderful time! Enjoy your last day and don't forget you promised each of us a set of Waterford crystal!

  4. Glad you're having such a great trip Elly!Safe travels back and hopefully without any 'Viva Jose" moments, .....
